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  1. Eligibility: $500 USD Sweepstakes (the “Sweepstakes”) is open only to those who sign up at the online sweepstakes page ( and who are 16 years of age as of the date of entry. Employees of Joseph Nogucci (1762448 Ontario Inc (the “Sponsor”) their respective affiliates, subsidiaries, advertising and promotion agencies, suppliers and their immediate family members and/or those living in the same household of each are not eligible to participate in the Sweepstakes. The Sweepstakes is subject to all applicable federal, state and local laws and regulations. Void where prohibited.
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  1. Sweepstakes Period: Entries will be accepted online starting on the 1st of Every Month and ending the Last Day of Each Month. All online entries must be received by the Penultimate Day of Each Month at 11:59PM EST.


  1. How to Enter: The Sweepstakes must be entered by submitting an entry using the online form provided on this Sweepstakes site. The entry must fulfill all sweepstakes requirements, as specified, to be eligible to win a prize. Entries that are not complete or do not adhere to the rules or specifications may be disqualified at the sole discretion of Joseph Nogucci. You may enter only once and you must fill in the information requested. You may not enter more times than indicated by using multiple email addresses, identities or devices in an attempt to circumvent the rules. If you use fraudulent methods or otherwise attempt to circumvent the rules your submission may be removed from eligibility at the sole discretion of Joseph Nogucci.


  1. Prizes: Winners will receive $500 USD credit for use on the Joseph Nogucci website online. Credit can be combined with existing discounts and does not expire. Actual/appraised value may differ at time of prize award. The specifics of the prize shall be solely determined by the Sponsor. No cash or other prize substitution permitted except at Sponsor's discretion. The prize is nontransferable. Any and all prize related expenses, including without limitation any and all federal, state, and/or local taxes shall be the sole responsibility of the winner. No substitution of prize or transfer/assignment of prize to others or request for the cash equivalent by winners is permitted. Acceptance of prize constitutes permission for Joseph Nogucci to use winner's name, likeness, and entry for purposes of advertising and trade without further compensation, unless prohibited by law.

  2. Odds:
    The odds of winning depend on the number of eligible entries received.


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  1. Disputes: THIS SWEEPSTAKES IS GOVERNED BY THE LAWS OF CANADA AND ONTARIO WITHOUT RESPECT TO CONFLICT OF LAW DOCTRINES. As a condition of participating in this Sweepstakes, participant agrees that any and all disputes which cannot be resolved between the parties, and causes of action arising out of or connected with this Sweepstakes, shall be resolved individually, without resort to any form of class action, exclusively before a court located in Ontario, CANADA having jurisdiction. Further, in any such dispute, under no circumstances will participant be permitted to obtain awards for, and hereby waives all rights to claim punitive, incidental, or consequential damages, including reasonable attorneys' fees, other than participant's actual out-of-pocket expenses (i.e. costs associated with entering this Sweepstakes), and participant further waives all rights to have damages multiplied or increased.


  1. Privacy Policy:  Information submitted with an entry is subject to the Privacy Policy stated on the Joseph Nogucci Web Site. To read the Privacy Policy, click here.


  1. 13. Winners List: To obtain a copy of the winner's name or a copy of these Official Rules, e-mail your request:


  1. Sponsor:  The Sponsor of the Sweepstakes is Joseph Nogucci | 13-300 New Toronto St, Toronto, ON, M8V2E8


$1 Days
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$3 Minutes
$4 Second
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Add content to this section using the sidebar." } }, "layout": { "navigation": { "search": "Search", "toggle": "expand\/collapse", "expand": "expand", "collapse": "collapse", "all_categories": "All Categories" }, "cart": { "title": "Cart", "items_count": { "one": "item", "other": "items" } }, "customer": { "account": "Account", "log_out": "Log out", "logout": "Log out", "log_in": "Log in", "create_account": "Create account", "sign_up": "Sign up", "wishlist": "Wishlist" }, "footer": { "social_platform": "[[ name ]] on [[ platform ]]" }, "list_page": { "grid": "Grid", "list": "List" } }, "products": { "product": { "regular_price": "Regular price", "sold_out": "Sold out", "unavailable": "Unavailable", "on_sale": "Sale", "quantity": "Quantity", "add_to_cart": "Add to cart", "back_to_collection": "Back to [[ title ]]", "related_title": "Related Products", "qty_increase": "Increase", "qty_decrease": "Decrease", "deal_days": "Days", "deal_hours": "Hours", "deal_minutes": "Minutes", "deal_second": "Second", "select_option": "Select Option", "add_to_wishlist": "Add to Wishlist", "add_to_review": "Add to review", "compare_success_msg": "[[ product_title ]] has added to comparing box successful", "compare_exist_msg": "[[ product_title ]] is exist in comparing box", "compare_cart_msg": "[[ product_title ]] has added to shopping cart", "compare_remove_msg": "[[ product_title ]] has removed from comparing box", "compare_remove_msg": "[[ product_title ]] has removed from comparing box", "comparing_box": "Comparing box", "compare_no_items": "There is no items in comparing box", "wishlist_success_msg": "[[ product_title ]] has added to wishlist successful", "wishlist_exist_msg": "[[ product_title ]] is exist in wishlist", "wishlist_cart_msg": "[[ product_title ]] has added to shopping cart", "wishlist_box": "Wishlist", "wishlist_remove_msg": "[[ product_title ]] has removed from wishlist", "wislist_no_items": "There is no items in wishlist", "upsell_cart_msg": "\"[[ product_title ]]\" has added to shopping cart", "upsell_block_title": "Frequently bought with \"[[ product_title ]]\"", "upsell_cart_qty": "[[ count ]] item(s)", "upsell_product_page_title": "You may also like these products", "upsell_checkout_btn": "Checkout", "share": "Share product", "share_on_facebook": "Share on Facebook", "share_on_twitter": "Share on Twitter", "share_on_pinterest": "Share on Pinterest", "share_on_google": "Share on Google+", "share_on_linkedin": "Share on LinkedIn", "availability": "Availability", "in_stock": "In Stock", "out_of_stock": "Out of stock", "quick_overview": "Quick Overview", "details": "Details", "reviews": "Reviews", "first_review": "Be the first review", "tags": "Product Tags", "size_chart": "Size Chart", "options": "Options", "vendor": "Vendor", "features": "Features", "sale_left_text": "[[ sales ]] SOLD. HURRY! ONLY A FEW LEFT!", "checkout_text": "Secured and trusted checkout with" }, "upsell": { "recommend_text": "Someone purchased a", "minute_ago": "minutes ago" } }, "gift_cards": { "issued": { "title_html": "Here's your [[ value ]] gift card for [[ shop ]]!", "subtext": "Your gift card", "disabled": "Disabled", "expired": "Expired on [[ expiry ]]", "active": "Expires on [[ expiry ]]", "redeem_html": "Use this code at checkout to redeem your [[ value ]] gift card", "shop_link": "Start shopping", "print": "Print this gift card", "remaining_html": "[[ balance ]] left", "add_to_apple_wallet": "Add to Apple Wallet" } }, "date_formats": { "month_day_year": "%B %d, %Y" } }, "fr":{ "general": { "field": { "required": "Requis", "actions": "Les actes", "top_btn": "Haut" }, "accessibility": { "skip_to_content": "Passer au contenu", "close_modal": "Fermer (Esc)" }, "meta": { "tags": "Mots clés \"[[ tags ]]\"", "page": "Page [[ page ]]" }, "404": { "title": "404 - Page non trouvée", "subtext": "Cette page n'est pas disponible.", "link": "Retourner au magasinage" }, "pagination": { "previous": "Précédent", "next": "Suivant", "current_page": "Page [[ current ]] sur [[ total ]]" }, "password_page": { "opening_soon": "Bientôt ouvert", "login_form_heading": "Accéder à la boutique à l'aide d'un mot de passe", "login_form_password_label": "Mot de passe", "login_form_password_placeholder": "Votre mot de passe", "login_form_submit": "Entrer", "signup_form_email_label": "Courriel", "signup_form_success": "Nous vous ferons parvenir un courriel juste avant l'ouverture!", "password_link": "Entrer avec un mot de passe", "powered_by_shopify_html": "Cette boutique sera propulsée par [[ shopify ]]" }, "social": { "share_on_facebook": "Partager", "share_on_twitter": "Tweeter", "share_on_pinterest": "Épingler", "alt_text": { "share_on_facebook": "Partager sur Facebook", "share_on_twitter": "Tweeter sur Twitter", "share_on_pinterest": "Épingler sur Pinterest" } }, "search": { "no_results_html": "Votre recherche pour \"[[ terms ]]\" n'a pas généré de résultats.", "results_with_count": { "one": "[[ count ]] résultat pour \"[[ terms ]]\"", "other": "[[ count ]] résultats pour \"[[ terms ]]\"" }, "title": "Effectuez une recherche", "placeholder": "Recherche", "submit": "Recherche", "close": "Fermer (esc)" }, "newsletter_form": { "newsletter_email": "Join our mailing list", "email_placeholder": "Adresse courriel", "confirmation": "Merci pour votre abonnement", "submit": "S'inscrire", "show_me_text": "Ne me montre plus" }, "filters": { "show_more": "Voir plus", "show_less": "Afficher moins" }, "breadcrumbs": { "home": "Accueil", "create_account": "Créer un compte", "account": "Compte", "addresses": "Adresses" }, "item": { "remove": "Retirer l'objet" } }, "sections": { "header": { "top_header_login": "S'identifier", "top_header_register": "Registre", "top_header_wishlist": "Liste de souhaits", "register_dropdown": "Pas de compte? 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Füllen Sie einfach das untenstehende Formular aus." } }, "homepage": { "onboarding": { "product_title": "Der Name Ihres Produkts", "product_description": "Diesen Abschnitt können Sie nutzen, um die Details Ihres Produkts zu beschreiben. Erzählen Sie den Kunden, wie Ihr Produkt aussieht, sich anfühlt und designt ist. Fügen Sie Einzelheiten zu Farbe, verwendeten Materialien, Größe und Produktionsort hinzu.", "collection_title": "Der Name Ihrer Kollektion", "blog_title": "Der Titel Ihres Posts", "blog_excerpt": "Ihr Laden hat noch keine Blogposts veröffentlicht. Ein Blog kann genutzt werden, um über die Einführung neuer Produkte, Tipps oder andere Neuigkeiten, die Sie mit Ihren Kunden teilen möchten, zu berichten. Für Inspiration und Ratschläge für Ihren eigenen Laden und Blog können Sie den E-Commerce-Blog von Shopify besuchen.", "blog_author": "Name des Autors", "no_content": "Dieser Bereich hat zur Zeit keinen Inhalt. Füge diesem Bereich über die Seitenleiste Inhalte hinzu." } }, "layout": { "navigation": { "search": "Suchen", "toggle": "erweitern\/zusammenklappen", "expand": "ausklappen", "collapse": "einklappen", "all_categories": "Alle Kategorien" }, "cart": { "title": "Einkaufswagen", "items_count": { "one": "Produkt", "other": "Produkte" } }, "customer": { "account": "Account", "log_out": "Ausloggen", "logout": "Ausloggen", "log_in": "Einloggen", "create_account": "Account erstellen", "sign_up": "Anmelden", "wishlist": "Wunschliste" }, "footer": { "social_platform": "[[ name ]] auf [[ platform ]]" }, "list_page": { "grid": "Gitter", "list": "Liste" } }, "products": { "product": { "regular_price": "Normaler Preis", "sold_out": "Ausverkauft", "unavailable": "Nicht verfügbar", "on_sale": "Angebot", "quantity": "Menge", "add_to_cart": "In den Einkaufswagen legen", "back_to_collection": "Zurück zu [[ title ]]", "related_title": "Ähnliche Produkte", "qty_increase": "Erhöhen", "qty_decrease": "Verringern", "deal_days": "Tage", "deal_hours": "Std", "deal_minutes": "Protokoll", "deal_second": "Zweite", "select_option": "Wähle eine Option", "add_to_wishlist": "Zur Wunschliste hinzufügen", "add_to_review": "Zur Beurteilung hinzufügen", "compare_success_msg": "[[ product_title ]] Hat zum Vergleich der Box erfolgreich hinzugefügt", "compare_exist_msg": "[[ product_title ]] Ist im Vergleichsfeld vorhanden", "compare_cart_msg": "[[ product_title ]] Hat zum Warenkorb hinzugefügt", "compare_remove_msg": "[[ product_title ]] Hat aus dem Vergleich entfernt", "comparing_box": "Vergleichskasten", "compare_no_items": "Es gibt keine Elemente im Vergleich Box", "wishlist_success_msg": "[[ product_title ]] Hat die Wunschliste erfolgreich gemacht", "wishlist_exist_msg": "[[ product_title ]] Ist in der Wunschliste vorhanden", "wishlist_cart_msg": "[[ product_title ]] Hat zum Warenkorb hinzugefügt", "wishlist_box": "Wunschliste", "wishlist_remove_msg": "[[ product_title ]] Hat von der wahlliste entfernt", "wislist_no_items": "Es gibt keine Artikel in der Wunschliste", "wislist_no_items": "Es gibt keine Artikel in der Wunschliste", "upsell_cart_msg": "\"[[ product_title ]]\" Hat zum Warenkorb hinzugefügt", "upsell_block_title": "Häufig gekauft mit \"[[ product_title ]]\"", "upsell_cart_qty": "[[ count ]] Artikel", "upsell_product_page_title": "Sie können diese Produkte auch mögen", "upsell_checkout_btn": "Auschecken", "share": "Produkt weiterempfehlen", "share_on_facebook": "Weiterempfehlen Facebook", "share_on_twitter": "Weiterempfehlen Twitter", "share_on_pinterest": "Weiterempfehlen Pinterest", "share_on_google": "Weiterempfehlen Google+", "share_on_linkedin": "Weiterempfehlen LinkedIn", "availability": "Verfügbarkeit", "in_stock": "Auf Lager", "out_of_stock": "Ausverkauft", "quick_overview": "Schneller Überblick", "details": "Details", "reviews": "Bewertungen", "first_review": "Sei die erste Bewertung", "tags": "Produkt-Tags", "size_chart": "Größentabelle", "options": "Optionen", "vendor": "Verkäufer", "features": "Eigenschaften", "sale_left_text":"[[ sales ]] VERKAUFT. 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